Adam Rodgers is a ground breaking inquiry, litigation and criminal defense lawyer as well as a leading business and political advisor.
Now, he is seeking the Conservative Party of Canada nomination for the reconfigured federal riding of Cape-Breton-Canso-Antigonish.
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CB Canso Antigonish Conservative Nomination Update - Membership Deadline
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Finance Minister Renders on PM Trudeau - Federal Election On Track for March
Latest Blogs
MCC Day 49 – Another Panel Discussion on Mass Casualties, IPV, GBV and Family Violence
After the drama of last week, which concluded with the (unsatisfactory) appearance of Lisa Banfield, the MCC has turned back to the monotony of further discussion panels for the week ahead, with an interlude tomorrow to hear from a police witness and examine Gabriel Wortman’s “financial misdealings”. The focus of today’s “roundtable” was “Mass Casualties, IPV, GBV and Family Violence: Exploring [...]
MCC Day 48 – Lisa Banfield Speaks
Today, more than two years after the Nova Scotia mass shooting, the common law spouse of the killer has finally spoken in public, as she gave evidence in the Mass Casualty Commission proceedings. Lisa Banfield spent 19 years with Gabriel Wortman before he went on a rampage and killed 22 people over the course of 13 hours on April 18-19, 2020. [...]
MCC Day 47 – Predicting Mass Shootings, and Questions for Lisa Banfield
The Mass Casualty Commission hosted two panel discussions today, which served as something of a reprieve, or calm before the storm, of a week focused on the history of violence of the killer, Gabriel Wortman, and the evidence of his spouse, Lisa Banfield. The panel discussions focused on (the futility of) predicting mass shootings and the psychology of mass killers. Ms. [...]
MCC Day 46 – Presentation of Lisa Banfield’s Interviews and Re-enactments
This was a dramatic day of evidence in the Mass Casualty Commission. For the first time, we have heard the voice of Lisa Banfield, and were able to walk in her shoes, in a sense, as she did a re-enactment of her movements during the overnight hours of April 18-19, 2020. This was all in advance of her expected appearance on [...]
MCC Day 45 – A History of Violence Ignored
The Mass Casualty Commission today focused on Gabriel Wortman’s extensive history of violence with people other than his spouse. There was a presentation of a Foundational Document summarizing Wortman’s violent encounters with others, followed by a witness, Wortman’s former neighbour, Brenda Forbes. Ms. Forbes knew about some key incidents of violence, and had reported Wortman to the police. Wortman appears to [...]
MCC Day 44 – Masculinity and Family Violence Experts, and Charter Issue With Banfield Statements
The Mass Casualty Commission focused its attention today on masculinity, past violence committed by Gabriel Wortman, and gender-based violence in rural Nova Scotia. Two California professors presented their research on how data in the US shows how men tend to be the perpetrators in mass shootings, there was a Foundational Document presentation on Wortman’s past violent behavior, and there was an [...]